Reed Player, Vocalist
Things are going well.
My regular gigs are back and some of the jazz clubs/societies are running again. The calendar is, if not filling up, then chugging along and picking up slowly.
Below are the most upcoming gigs and the 2 regular ones I have:
Sarah Spencer's Global Ramblers:
Since the start of the pandemic, I've been working with some of the very best musicians all over the world. I formed a 'virtual' band called Sarah Spencer's Global Ramblers and have (and continue to make) a number of videos.
Sarah Spencer's Global Ramblers videos can be found here:
And the link to the playlist of all the 'Collaboration Videos" is here:
If you subscribe to that then you will be notified when a new video comes out.
Sarah Spencer's Global Ramblers have just issued a CD of 18 tracks of the material produced during the 2020-2021 COVID pandemic.
Step over to the SHOP page of this site for details!
You can also fine ways to stream or obtain digital copies of this cd here: